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Incorrect file format 'fusion_pdp_images'Incorrect file format 'fusion_pdp_images'
Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool
13/11/2010 16:58

Intelowski program do testowania procesor�w tego producenta. Jest w stanie sprawdzi� jego identyfikator, cz�stotliwo�� pracy i wiele innych. Mo�na nim testowa� procesory:
Intel Atom Processor, Intel Celeron Processor Family, Intel Core Duo Processor, Intel Core i3 Desktop Processor, Intel Core i3 Mobile Processor, Intel Core i5 Mobile Processor, Intel Core i5 Processor, Intel Core i7 Mobile Processor, Intel Core i7 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition, Intel Core i7 Processor, Intel Core i7 Processor Extreme Edition, Intel Core Solo processor, Intel Core2 Duo Desktop Processor, Intel Core2 Duo Mobile Processor, Intel Core2 Extreme Mobile Processor, Intel Core2 Extreme Processor, Intel Core2 Quad Mobile Processor, Intel Core2 Quad Processor, Intel Core2 Solo Processor, Intel Pentium 4 Processor Extreme Edition, Intel Pentium 4 Processors, Intel Pentium D Processor, Intel Pentium M Processor Intel Pentium Processor Extreme Edition, Intel Pentium Processor for Desktop, Intel Pentium Processor for Mobile, Intel Xeon Processor, Intel Xeon Processor 3000 Sequence, Intel Xeon Processor 5000 Sequence, Intel Xeon Processor 6000 Sequence, Intel Xeon Processor 7000 Sequence, Mobile Intel Celeron Processors, Mobile Intel Pentium 4 Processors - M
Program obs�uguje:
Windows 7* 32 Bit, Windows Vista* 32 Bit, Windows XP Home/Professional* 32 Bit, Windows 2000 Professional/Server/Advanced Server* 32 Bit, Windows Server 2008* 32 Bit, Windows Server 2003 Standard/Enterprise* 32 Bit,
Wymagana jest instalacja:,
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008* Runtime Libraries, Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable* (v2), Microsoft .NET Framework Version* 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86)

Pobrano: 460
Prawa Autorskie: Copyright (C) Intel


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